Tuesday, July 27, 2010

PowerPoint Presentations

Uses of Powerpoint:

PowerPoint presentations can be used by students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of content, and to practise digital skills.

PowerPoint presentations can be used within an oral presentation to help students to engage their audience and to outline key points which they themselves, can then elaborate on verbally.

PowerPoints can also be interactive in nature, allowing its participates to move through the slides at their own choice of direction. The use of multiple pathways in a PowerPoint means that multiple choice quizzes can also be set up within the presentation.

By duplicating a number of slides, then slightly altering one after another, a digital animation can be constructed by students.

Pedagogical Advantages:

PowerPoint Presentations are great for the more visual and auditory learners. They are also far more engaging to an audience. If a student can become emotional engaged in content (which can often be evoked by powerful images) they are more likely to remember what they are learning.


  1. Hi Jacinda

    Another great tool for the class room. There is so much you can do with power point to engage students in learning. I would hardy ever use blackboards now I have dicovered this fantastic programe. What are your thoughts?

    ASH !!

  2. Hi ASH,

    I agree that powerpoints are a great way to engage students in the learning content. The only major drawback I see is that it takes a bit of teacher organisation to produce a powerpoint ahead of time where as you can just use a blackboard straight away. But when you have the time, using powerpoints is well worth the effort I feel. I think I will definitely use it in teaching my students.
