Saturday, July 17, 2010


A wiki is an online space where any user can edit, modify, add and remove information. The most famous example of this is Wikipedia.

It is different from a blog in several ways:

  • It is not soley controlled by one person.
  • It is not composed of postings but pages.
  • There is no chronological order to wikipages as there is to blog postings.

Please look at this website for further clarification on the differences between the two: CoverStations. The videos on the website are particularly useful.

In the learning context, wikis can be used in so many ways. Some examples include:

  • student groupwork organisation (communication, to do lists, resources lists & planning)
  • creating an online group texbook with videos, audio and pictures if so desired.
  • presenting information of group projects.
  • and so much more...

Through the use of wikis, students can work together and practise being editors, publishers and evaulators of their own work.

For some wonderful ideas on how wikis can be useful in the classroom please look at this website: SmartTeaching.Org

I made my first wiki. To view it just click here.

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